I forgot I had a blog...OK I didn't really but I've been so busy having extrememly enjoyable holiday times that I haven't sat down and put my thoughts into digital type/music form!
This guy Bram is really onto something. He has one album (as far as I can find out), and its pretty great. Check him out. And buy the album B.R.A.M. here.
Boston's own Jonathan Richman @ TROUBADOUR tonight! Places he plays should have to change their name to The Troubadour when he plays there. Always. Hes the true and consumate troub, and always repping New England hard! I wish I could go!
Last night was a great night of friends. And FOOD. Wow food. Thanks all. We had a blast.
I've been living, on the weekends mostly, in an amazing, quirky, weird, awesome house in the Hollywood hills that my girl has been housesitting, and last night was a bit of a farewell. Tonight will be our last night and I'm a bit sad about it! There's no cell reception up here, and until Friday we had to deal w/ some VERY weird cats, but I've come to feel comfy here, and its a pretty great spot. I will miss the courtyard for sure. Thanks Molly & John. I've never met you, but I can tell you are rad peeps.
I would really still love it if you all checked out and voted for my remix of Metric's track
'Gold Guns Girls', which is part of an Indaba Music contest...
Right now I'm 12th out of 247. Psyched just on that I guess. BUT...I NEED YOUR VOTES!!! If you dig my track...PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!! And tell your friends!
There's a widget on the right there that you can do it very easily from as well....
Today I finally got the guy's album, and since the names are similar (Special Affections, and Splash), Jeremy Jay's most recent played after his finished. They seemed, well, perfect for each other. I began day dreaming of a DR/JJ collabo! Suddenly, I decided I needed to remember to discuss it with my girlfriend later. This was both to self confirm my hetero-ness after listening to these terrific albums back to back, and also just cuz I like to talk about music...ok it was mostly the first one.
SPOILER ALERT: This first video is NSFW. You should probably watch it at work anyway though.
New promo video for Klaxons' second single, 'Twin Flames', directed by Saam Farahmand, goes above and beyond...
Klaxons are a curious bunch. But it seems like that's only the case over here in the U.S. SO much hype back in '07. I was instantly obsessively playing 'Golden Skans'. Then a big Justice remix, and a couple great videos. They were crowned the kings of 'nu-rave'. But the first album was really a semi-exciting/semi-lackluster album, and....then nothing for like 3 years (if you didn't live in the UK that is). The follow up album talks started shortly after (late '07) and were finally fulfilled earlier this year. The album is Surfing The Void, and has a couple catchy songs, but is still a bit out there (the original submission was rejected by Polydor for being 'too expeirmental'). More attention comes with the drop of this video. I've always been oddly intrigued by the band, there is enough mystery to keep me there. I continue to assume its some UK/Euro stuff going on I have no idea about. There is plenty that fits that category.
This is another quick and surrealistic vision from a talented director/creator in Farahmand (he has done all of Klaxons videos besides 'Atlantis to Interzone', as well as videos for The Xx, These New Puritians, New Young Pony Club and others), who is skilled in the visual transportation to a semi-static like space where nicely stimulating images flow freely. Saam. So hot right now.
His previous collaboration w/ the lads of Klax (video for 'Golden Skans', see below) almost gives me an Empire of the Sun vibe. EotS were maybe only a PNAU daydream at that point, but its reminiscent for me, and gives me thoughts of a Brit vs. Aussie battle for the best dreamy-electro-rock band with hints of, I dunno, emperorish sexuality, and gratuitous unknown 'symbolism' involved? I'd have to give the nod to Australia. Whatever the fuck I am talking about.
ANYWAY, eere's a track from the newer album, and my fave from the first, as well as that Justice remix I spoke of.