Last year was a blast. Get your tickets. It will be the jam. And this year, The Blow!!! and Man Man!!!! and Ariel Pink!!! oh and !!!, um !!!.
Its sure to be a fuzzed out, lo-fi, sun drenched experience. You should be there.
Fuck yeah. Fest.
The Blow - Parentheses
Man Man - Easy Eats or Dirty Doctor Galapagos
!!! - The Hammer
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Bright Lit Blue Skies
Washed Out - You And I f. Caroline Polachek
Delorean - Deli (a serious jam of mine, circa 2008ish)
Best Coast - The Sun Was High (So Was I)
The Soft Pack - Answer To Yourself
Warpaint - Beetles
man man is my jamm